Most younger guys have discovered the distinct joys of fucking a cougar. It seems that most college guys out there who visit online dating sites and download mobile dating apps are on the hunt. They’re looking for a free meet and fuck a cougar.
I get where all the excitement is coming from. I share their joy. I understand why they’re all excited, but the problem here is that desiring something is very different from actually having that thing in front of you. You have to understand that the guys who talk a big game about doing women right, getting a lot of women, getting together with women regularly, they tend to do exactly that. They just talk a big game. When it comes to real action, most of those guys fall flat.
It’s those guys in the back. Those smaller, less attractive dudes. Those are the dudes you have to look out for because those are the dudes who take care of business. Do you ever wonder why when you go to any dance club or night club that otherwise ugly dudes tend to go home with the best-looking chicks? That’s not by accident. There’s a reason why that’s the case.
They know how the game is played. You have to remember that sex is 99% mental and 1% physical. Of course, you still need to have a minimum level of stamina. You still need to have a proper working equipment, but once you take care of that basic stuff, it’s all about what goes on between your ears. That’s the bottom line.
You have to give her what she’s looking for. First, you need to treat her with respect and most importantly, pay attention to her body. Her body is always sending you signals so you can know how to take care of what she needs. If you’re able to get her to orgasm at least five times back to back, believe me, she will not stop calling you. Best of all, she will tell her friends about you. So, stop the internal drama and focus instead on getting your head game right.